4 Key Benefits of Rice Water

Last seen 1 day ago

Rice water, particularly fermented rice water, known as Yu-Su-Ru in Japan has been used for ages as a beauty regimen among Asian women.  Rice water has several benefits for skincare:

1. Anti-Aging
Inositol and vitamin C in rice are well known antioxidants than can repair damaged skin and smooth wrinkles.  Rice water prevents the enzyme, elastase, from damaging elastin protein which is responsible for maintaining skin’s elasticity.

2. Hair Growth
According to Dr. Rabach, rice water (the liquid that you get after soaking or cooking rice) is filled with nutrients like amino acids, inositol (which helps strengthen hair), vitamins B and E, minerals, and antioxidants, so theoretically, it should have some topical benefits for your hair.

3. Prevents Water Loss
One study suggests that rice wine can promote collagen synthesis and prevent transepidermal water loss. Starch, in rice water, can also act as a barrier to water loss.

4. Brightens Skin
Rice water can reduce the appearance of blemishes and dark spots to give a smooth and even-tone complexion to skin. Starch is known to tighten skin pores and give a smoother looking skin.

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